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Skills for Resilience

The FarMHealth project from Dublin City University aims to empower farmers to maintain their wellbeing and resilience, and seek help when they need it. Here you can find videos on essential skills for resilience and further information about where to go for help.
You can also watch through these on our YouTube channel.

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Seán Kelly's Story


Click in to watch Seán Kelly tells his story of how, through seeking help, he grew mentally and physically stronger than before.

Shay Concannon's Story


Click in to watch Shay Concannon share his story of how he left behind a dark place and regained his love of the farming life by seeking help.
Content warning: Suicide

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How to Recognise Signs of Struggling


Click in to watch Sandra Malone, a health psychologist with a farming background, walk through how to recognise signs of struggling with the acronym TIRED: Tense, Isolated, Reacting differently, Exhausted, and Disengaged.

4 R's of Resilience


Click in to watch Dr. Donnla O'Hagan outline skills for maintaining your health through rain and shine using the 4 R's of resilience: Recognise, Reach out, Refer to your skills, and Remain supportive.

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Where to Find Support


Click in to watch Dr. Joe Firnhaber cover some of the resources available to farmers and their families looking for help and support. A full list can be found on our further help page.

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